Specifications for IQF green bean cut
Product name: IQF green bean cut
Materials used: fresh without disease, without mis-shape
Size: length 20-40mm diameter 6-9mm 7-10mm
Colour: fine regular green color.
Taste: typical of the green beans, without any off-taste.
Foreign substance: non existence
Broken pieces (more than half) : max 2% by weight
Slight colour changed beans: max 1% by weight
Serious colour changed beans: non existence
Spots <3mm : max 1% by weight
Metal/glass/plastic/stone/wood/sand/soil or any other FMV/EVM:
Contamination: pesticides, fungicides, metals, mycotoxines, radioactivity, according to EEC, FDA regulations and China National Standards.
Microbiology: NO apparent disease.
Storage and transporting: cleanly stored and transported at or under temperature of minus 18 degrees centigrade (DC).